TE&A offers the services of dynamic planning, retrospective and prospective scheduling primarily utilising Primavera software, Microsoft Project and other softwares, catering for:
- Detailed schedules up to level 5 (Project Co-ordination Schedules – PCS) in the face of uncertain estimates on activity durations;
- Integrated planning, scheduling and resource allocation to level 4 (Execution Schedules);
- Scheduling in unstructured or poorly formulated circumstances, (Dynamic Scheduling)
The above effectively adopts sound traditional Critical Path Methodology (CPM) and Advanced Scheduling Techniques such as:
- Monte Carlo Simulations;
- “What if” Simulations;
- Time-cost trade-off and project crashing techniques;
- Man-machine interactive scheduling techniques.
Progress Monitoring and Real Time Delay Management
Progress Monitoring
For engineering and design of project progress monitoring processes, and the production of weekly and monthly status reports, factual networks, and networks to completion, we account for:
- Recorded daily activity progress data and information;
- Activities re-scheduled or re-estimated in the current report, with reasoning thereof;
- Activities added or deleted within the current report, with reasoning thereof;
- Activities completed since the previous report;
- Activities due for completion since the previous report, yet to be completed.
Based on all of the above outcomes, we provide the reasoning and detail of anticipated delays or circumstances that may affect completion dates, liability assessment and remedial actions proposed by the Contractor.
Real time delay management
For transparency and to allow for real-time assessment of delays and the impact of potential additional changes to the schedule, we use “Time Impact Analysis” techniques. This is a transparent proven retrospective forensic delay analysis approach that takes account of and is suitable for:
- Identifying the logical relationship between elements of the works (‘activities’) and the possible Risk Events;
- Analyzing the effects of numerous delays and prolongations, whether the responsibility of the Employer, the Engineer or the Contractor;
- Recognizing discrete events, concurrent events or overlapping (parallel) events;
- Considering progress and events taking place prior to the risk event;
Documenting and presenting the direct cause and effect of all events as they arise or as they may unfold.